In the location of Yudiya there are 37 seeds of Mokoko. In our guide you will find the location and methods of obtaining Mokoko seeds. To get some seeds wet in the dungeons, you will need to destroy the walls, use leverage and tidy up in every way. More details below.

Other Mococo seed maps:

We recommend collecting mococo with Adventurer's Tome. Look out for monsters and hidden stories.

Saland Hill

9/9 mokoko.

Mokoko seeds Saland Hill Yulia

Morai Ruins

11/11 mokoko. The entrance to the dungeon is located in the Saland Hill location. To get some seeds, you must first destroy all the mobs, then break a stone in the doorway. Also pay attention to where the monsters come to you, in some places to collect Mokoko seeds you need to go down from where the mobs came running.

Mokoko seeds Morai Ruins Yulia

Ozhorn Hill

8/8 mokoko.

Mokoko seeds Ozhorn Hill Yulia

Sapira Cave

9/9 mokoko. The entrance to the dungeon is located in Ozhorn Hill. To obtain mokoko seeds in the center, two levers must be activated, the leverage locations are marked in yellow, as soon as the levers are activated, the torches light up where the character is on the map and between them you can go to mokoko.

Mokoko seeds Sapira Cave Yulia