In the location of Rethramis there are 51 seeds of Mokoko. In our guide you will find the location and methods of obtaining Mokoko seeds. 49 out of 51 seeds can be found immediately, for two seeds you will need to return to the location after studying the Forest Minuet.

Other Mococo seed maps:

We recommend collecting mococo with Adventurer's Tome. Look out for monsters and hidden stories.


9/9 mokoko. Video Guide

Mokoko seeds Prideholme Rethramis


7/9 mokoko. To obtain the remaining two seeds, you will need to study the Forest Minuet. You need to execute it in the place where the character is in the screenshot.

Mokoko seeds Loghill Rethramis

Toxiclaw Cavern

6/6 mokoko. The entrance to the dungeon is located in the Loghill location. Video Guide

Mokoko seeds Ruphenite mines Rethramis

Ankumo Mountain

5/5 mokoko.

Mokoko seeds Ankumo Mountain Rethramis

Aquilok's Head

6/6 mokoko. The entrance to the dungeon is located in the Ankumo Mountain.

Mokoko seeds Aquilok's Head Rethramis

Rethramis Border

10/10 mokoko. To get 3 mokoko seeds in the dark area of the map, you need to stand in the place where the character is on the map below and bring monsters with you, after which you can go up to where you can find 3 more seeds of mokoko.

Mokoko seeds Rethramis Border Rethramis

Aquilok's Tail

6/6 mokoko. The entrance to the dungeon is located in the location in Rethramis Border.

Mokoko seeds Aquilos Taill Rethramis