In this guide, we will tell you how to create a guild, what you need and how much resources you have to spend.
To create a Guild, your character must be above level 15. For the creation of the Guild, you must pay 300 diamonds. With level 15 and 300 diamonds, you just have to choose the emblem and name.

After creating you build a castle, for construction you need to collect 20 people above level 12, and collect 2000 resources each. Resources are obtained by quests that are available to each member of the Guild.

As soon as you collect the necessary amount of resources, construction of the castle will begin. The castle is built 4 hours, the time of construction can be accelerated with diamonds. One reduction will cost 50 diamonds. Each member of the guild can accelerate up to 3 times.

That's all Castle built. Next, each guild builds and improves buildings, depending on their needs.