By collecting all the Scenery you will get a good addition to the characteristics of the character and diamonds. To find out what landscape you still do not have, then open the map and enter the coordinates indicated below.
Path of Erudition

The Dawn Lake

Emerald Lake

Coordinates: 1575, 2165

Emerald Lake Scenery World of Kings

Сathedral of Light

Coordinates: 1414, 2227

Сathedral of Light Scenery World of Kings


Coordinates: 1673, 2264

Farwatch Scenery World of Kings

Irion Plain

Taniya's Tears

Coordinates: 1459, 1918

Taniya's Tears Scenery World of Kings

Uru Post

Coordinates: 1552, 1666

Uru Post Scenery World of Kings

Skarabare City

Coordinates: 1700, 1586

Skarabare City Scenery World of Kings


Coordinates: 1435, 1847

To get this landscape, fly to the coordinates of the tower, climb the most up to the NPS, wait until the airship arrives, while moving the airship talk to Passenger and get knowledge.

Airship Scenery World of Kings Airship Scenery World of Kings


Evil Mansion

Coordinates: 1178, 1363

Evil Mansion Scenery World of Kings

Blackcrow Graveyard

Coordinates: 1445, 1409

Blackcrow Graveyard Scenery World of Kings

Sunset Wild

Christo's Mines

Coordinates: 911, 2000

Christo's Mines Scenery World of Kings

Redstone Sentry

Coordinates: 1130, 1674

Redstone Sentry Scenery World of Kings

Abigail's Farm

Coordinates: 931, 1831

Abigail's Farm Scenery World of Kings

Swamp of Mist

Central Swamp

Coordinates: 1005, 2261

Central Swamp Scenery World of Kings

Borzee Village

Coordinates: 758, 2397

Borzee Village Scenery World of Kings

Fogg Village

Coordinates: 1140, 2160

Fogg Village Scenery World of Kings

Boreas Iceland

Mooreda Academy

Coordinates: 1403, 2750

Mooreda Academy Scenery World of Kings

Crete City

Coordinates: 1117, 2892

Borzee Village Scenery World of Kings

Iceland Point

Coordinates: 1233, 2628

Iceland Point Scenery World of Kings

Dusk Highland

Froststeel Station

Coordinates: 1420, 2917

Froststeel Station Scenery World of Kings

Raven Statue

Coordinates: 1467, 2993

Raven Statue Scenery World of Kings

Winter Snowland

Abondoned Vessel

Coordinates: 1197, 3556

Abondoned Vessel Scenery World of Kings

Icewind Dale

Coordinates: 1090, 3160

Icewind Dale Scenery World of Kings

North Fort

Coordinates: 943, 3217

North Fort Scenery World of Kings

Frost Hill

Frostmoon Spire

Coordinates: 754, 2857

Frostmoon Spire Scenery World of Kings

Black Castle

Coordinates: 750, 2955

Black Castle Scenery World of Kings

Olaus Circle

Coordinates: 648, 2726

Olaus Circle Scenery World of Kings


Dragon Remains

Coordinates: 543, 3334

The Flaming Gate

Coordinates: 620, 3548

Darkclaw Mountains

Blackhill Vein

Coordinates: 665, 1912

Firescream Camp

Coordinates: 487, 1678

Warhammer Fortress

Coordinates: 371, 1883

Black Tides

Towers of Tides

Coordinates: 453, 1409

Giant Snake Statue

Coordinates: 524, 1431

Wyrmrest Forest

The Dragon Temple

Coordinates: 863, 1651

Draconic Altar

Coordinates: 896, 1363

Draconic Village

Coordinates: 884, 1421

Kramdor Desert

Coordinates: 1159, 791

Coordinates: 1460, 910

Coordinates: 1628, 618

Coordinates: 925, 658

Coordinates: 1154, 1119

Coordinates: 1452, 384

Lava Gorge

Coordinates: 548, 826

Coordinates: 542, 784

Coordinates: 678, 961