On Freedom Isle you can find 3 mococo seeds and buy Isle Tokens from the merchant for 60,000 doubloons.

Location Freedom Isle

Lost Ark Freedom Isle Island Tokens Mokoko

Freedom Isle Token

Freedom Isle Token can be bought from the Enigmatic Rosa merchant for 60,000 Pirate Coins. Enigmatic Rosa's location is listed below, Rosa is a temporary trader but appears frequently.

Lost Ark Freedom Isle Island Tokens Mokoko

Freedom Isle Mokoko

You can collect 3 Mococos on Freedom Isle. All of them are in accessible places, below in the screenshot you can find the location of all mococo seeds.

Lost Ark Freedom Isle Island Tokens Mokoko

In addition to Isle Token and Mokoko, you can get Masterpiece #19, 8th Giant's Heart and two emotes on Freedom Isle.

Buying 8th Giant's Heart and Emotes

Emotes and 8th Giant's Heart can be purchased from Blackfang on Freedom Isle.

Lost Ark Freedom Isle Island Tokens Mokoko

Masterpiece #19

Complete The Archaeologist's Request 7 times from Una's Tasks and get Masterpiece #19, after completing 15 times - Stat Increase Potion

How to get Forest’s Minuet

To get Forest's Minuet, you need to complete 3 purple quests and participate in the Lullaby Island event three times.

Lost Ark Freedom Isle Island Tokens Mokoko

At the bottom of the island, you can buy a sailor for 500 Pirate Coins.

List of other islands of Lost Ark