Release date Lineage 2 Mobile is scheduled for the end of 2019 about this written on many Korean sites.

The exact release date Lineage 2M

On November 6, the Lineage 2 Mobile release date was 11/27/2019 on the official website. With the release of Lineage 2M, we will try to release a guide on how to enter and play for those who are outside of Korea.

Дата выхода Lineage 2M

About the date 12/15/2019

On October 8, many counted a photo with a date of 12/15/2019 for the release date of Lineage 2M. An NCsoft spokeswoman said that this date has nothing to do with the release of Lineage 2M and in general they plan to release Lineage 2M sooner.

Lineage 2M website announced

At the moment, the date 2019.09 is written on the site and some videos are presented. Most likely in September the release date of Lineage 2M will be announced.

Release date Lineage 2 M

According to preliminary information, the launch of Lineage 2M can take place as early as November 2019. Together with Lineage 2 Mobile in Korea will be released the V4 game from Nexon.

Release date Lineage 2M

Pre-registration Lineage 2M

The source reports that if Lineage 2M will be released in November, pre-registration will be available in August. But if NCsoft shifts the launch to early December, pre-registration will begin in September.

Lineage 2M – This is the mobile version of the legendary Lineage 2 game on PC released by NCsoft in October 2003. Needless to say that Lineage 2M is the most anticipated game in 2019.

As for the simultaneous release of Lineage 2M from NCsoft and V4 from Nexon, not one of these campaigns is profitable to go out at the same time, let's see how events will develop, but NCsoft are planning to launch Lineage 2M this year. Whether Nexon will transfer the output is not yet known.