I tried to complete all the location puzzles of The Xianzhou Luofu. An important point some puzzles appear after collecting all (Hexanexus). Some are updated the next day. In this guide, I will try to show the sequence, as well as a video of the solution to all the puzzles.
Let's start simple, just complete all the puzzles in the locations:
- Puzzle location Cloudford
- Puzzle location Stargazer Navalia
- Puzzle location Divination Commission
- Puzzle location Artisanship Commission
Then, after completing all Hexanexus (15 pieces), you need to go through all the locations again and complete another 15 Hexanexus of increased difficulty:
- Puzzle Hexanexus Hard mode Cloudford
- Puzzle Hexanexus Hard mode Stargazer Navalia
- Puzzle Hexanexus Hard mode Divination Commission
- Puzzle Hexanexus Hard mode Artisanship Commission
Puzzles that are updated every day:
Mutare Magnus in location Divination Commission:
Navigation Compass Timetable в локации Cloudford:
Luminflux Pyxis в локации Artisanship Commission
I think this is not the end and the next day we will get new puzzles.
To be continued...