Today we analyze the contributions to the guild, why they are needed and what you can get in return.

Guild contributions are given for various activities related to the Guild. Your contribution is displayed in the general list of Guilds, you can see your contribution for all the time, as well as a contribution for the week. In many guilds on deposits determine the usefulness of guild members, the higher the contribution the more valuable you are to the guild.

For what and how much you can get points deposit (Guild Contribution)?

Guild Donation - +20 / +200 deposit points.

Guild Contribution

12 Guild quests - 8/12/14/15/17 contribution points each quest (an average of about 168 points). Do not rush to take all the quests, pay attention to their rank, white quests are definitely not worth taking. Do not worry about the complexity, after 30 minutes the quest itself closes.

Guild Contribution

Reducing the time of construction - 50 (150max) deposit points, up to 3 times a day, the cost of one reduction of 50 diamonds.

Guild Contribution

Guild Resource - 35 (280max) deposit points. Help guild members with missing items in Donate Resource.

Guild Contribution

Transportation Resources - 10/15/20/25/30 (during the event multiplied by 2) points of contribution, depending on what kind of carriage you fell. Be sure to use a saddle to improve the load. It is also recommended to transport resources only during the event, so you will get 2 times more deposit points.

Guild Contribution

Event Trolley - 30 deposit points.

Raid Bosses - In sum, Bosses give a lot of contribution points, how many are hard to say for now as there is no level 60, but if you pass 3 times the first and second boss, you will receive 1500 contribution points, but using all attempts for a week.

Guild Contribution

Resource Exchange - Exchange of resources for deposit points. Not recommended, but if very necessary you can.

Guild Contribution

Letters - Letters of reward from the Guild in the form of deposit points come every day.

1. Your Guild is in the top 10 - 95 deposit points

Guild Contribution

2. Thank you for your contribution - 50 deposit points

Guild Contribution

Offset need to collect deposit points, what does it give me?

Deposit points can be spent at the Guild Store. To buy all the useful items, you will need a very large number of contribution points.

Guild Contribution

How many deposit points can I get and what to do with them?

In general, you can get about 1000 points of deposit per day, this is not counting the raid bosses. Further depends on the guild and their rules. I think the level of about 600-700 per day is quite reachable.