In this guide you will find the passage of the Mysterious Islands quest. Namely, how to change the time to meet with barbara and how to light all the devices on the islands

Wait until the next day and go to the square (12:00 - 18:00)

Move the clock to 12:00 the next day (that is, if you have 9 in the morning, you need to change the time twice, first to 12-18, then another day).

If you did everything correctly and Barbara is not in the square, re-enter the game.

Genshin Impact quest Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown

Find and light up all the devices

You need to activate 3 teleports, they can be found on the map, BUT you need to follow strictly along the beacons, otherwise you will be returned to the nearest beacon.

Other questions related to the quest The Mysterious Islands

How do I leave the boat? - Press and hold the space (on mobile, the jump button).

How do I call the boat? - To call the boat, you need to go to the Anchorage on any of the islands.