How to buy an Omega clone for plexes. In the in-game store, Omega Clone is sold for real money only, but each player can buy Omega Clone for Plex.

In order to buy an Omega clone for plexes, go to the main menu, then select the Character tab and click on the Alpha clone.

Eve Echoes Omega Клон за Плексы(Plex)

How to get Plex by play

Plex can be bought on the market with in-game currency

Eve Echoes Omega Клон за Плексы(Plex)

Omega Clone Price for Plex

  • Basic Omega Clone costs 170 plex
  • Standard Omega clone - 430 plex
  • Duo Bundle Omega clone - 500 plex
Eve Echoes Omega Клон за Плексы(Plex)